december 2016

tor01dec18:0021:00Search1 december Typ av Arrangemang:Föreläsningar


Unknown-3Bjarne Mastenbroek, director and founding architect of SeARCH introduces DIG IT! a research project conducted by his office.
It explores the role and responsibility of contemporary architecture with its surroundings, either in nature or urban nature through grounded architecture. Although this can literally take place within the earth itself, SeARCH will explore the relationship with sometimes hidden and complex urban networks and infrastructures. DIG IT! culminates in a comprehensive publication, an Analysis, Atlas or Encyclopedia about the unlimited possibilities of well-connected architecture within its surroundings.

Arrangör: Stockholms Arkitektförening genom Patrick Verhoeven och Björn Ekelund.

Föreläsningen börjar 18.00 men redan 17.30 serveras dryck och tilltugg.