april 2016

tor07apr18:00Wowhaus MoskvaHörsalen7 april Typ av Arrangemang:Föreläsningar


De senaste åren har Moskvas stadsbild genomgått en stor förändring, där satsningar på parker, rekreationsytor och grönytor etablerat nya typer offentliga platser och miljöer. Arkitektkontoret Wowhaus har haft en bärande roll i den utvecklingen, och har bland annat ansvarat för den omfattande upprustningen av Gorkijparken, Moskvaflodens nya strandpark Krymskaya Embankment, samt en rad andra parker och trädgårdar. Alena Zaytseva och Maria Kachalova berättar om kontorens projekt, och om den ung generation ryska arkitekter de själva tillhör.

Föresläsningen ordnas av Stockholms Arkitektförening genom Ylva Frid och Karin Westermark.

Mer om kontoret:

Founded by Oleg Shapiro and Dmitry Likin in 2007, Wowhaus lost no time in tackling an issue that years later was to become central to architecture: that is how to organize the urban environment. We put into question the traditional Russian approach to the urban environment, that interprets this environment as a collection of buildings (arranged as urban facades) and squares, and treats them as separate design elements. Wowhaus proposes a radically different approach, that in 2007 was already emerging in contemporary world architecture and has by now become absolutely central. Our approach treats the urban environment as a kind of spatial liquid in which the city is immersed. In order for new site-specific structures to crystallize organically in this liquid, the solution must be concentrated; and to create diversity the mixture must be complex. “We care about our living environment; our aim is to make it friendly and habitable. We believe that the approach to architectural design which focuses on making maximally expressive “boxes” is now obsolete. What is important to us is not merely the architecture of the buildings, but, first and foremost, the space between them,” say Dmitry Likin and Oleg Shapiro, the founders of Wowhaus.